India, the world’s largest democracy and the second-most populous country, will celebrate its 77th Independence Day on August 15, 2023. This is a momentous occasion for the nation, as it marks 76 years of freedom from British colonial rule and the birth of a sovereign, secular, and democratic republic. On this day, Indians across the globe will pay tribute to the sacrifices and struggles of the freedom fighters who fought for India’s independence and honor the achievements and aspirations of the present and future generations.

The theme for this year’s celebration is “Nation First, Always First,” an integral part of the broader “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” Celebration

The theme for this year’s Independence Day celebration is “Nation First, Always First,” which reflects the spirit of patriotism, unity, and self-reliance that has guided India’s journey since 1947. This theme is also an integral part of the broader “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” celebration, which is an initiative of the Government of India to commemorate 75 years of independence and the glorious history of its people, culture, and achievements.

The “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” celebration was officially launched on March 12, 2021, which coincided with the 91st anniversary of the historic Dandi March led by Mahatma Gandhi as part of the Civil Disobedience Movement against British taxation. The celebration will continue for 75 weeks until August 15, 2023, covering various milestones and events that shaped India’s freedom struggle and post-independence development.

The “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” celebration has five main themes: Freedom Struggle, Ideas at 75, Achievements at 75, Actions at 75, and Resolve at 75. These themes aim to showcase the rich and diverse heritage of India, the vision and values of its founding fathers, the progress and innovations made by its citizens in various fields, the initiatives and reforms undertaken by its government and institutions, and the goals and challenges that lie ahead for its future.

The celebration also involves various sub-themes that are aligned with the “Panch Pran” or five pillars announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Women and Children; Tribal Empowerment; Water; Cultural Pride; Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE); Health and Wellness; Inclusive Development; Aatmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India); and Unity. These sub-themes reflect the priorities and aspirations of India as a nation that is committed to social justice, environmental sustainability, economic growth, cultural diversity, and national integration.

How is Independence Day celebrated in India?

Independence Day is celebrated throughout India with flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades, cultural programs, patriotic songs, speeches by leaders, awards and honors to citizens, and fireworks. The main event takes place at the Red Fort in Delhi, where the Prime Minister hoists the national flag and addresses the nation. The President also delivers a speech on the eve of Independence Day from the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The celebrations are broadcasted live on television and radio channels across the country.

Some of the highlights of the Independence Day celebrations in India are:

  • The unfurling of the tricolor flag by the Prime Minister at the Red Fort followed by a 21-gun salute.
  • The singing of the national anthem “Jana Gana Mana” by a mass choir of school children.
  • The inspection of the guard of honor by the Prime Minister and the salute to him by various contingents of the armed forces and paramilitary forces.
  • The march-past by different regiments of the army, navy, air force, police, NCC, NSS, scouts and guides, etc.
  • The display of various tableaux or floats depicting the cultural diversity and achievements of different states and union territories of India.
  • The fly-past by fighter jets, helicopters, transport aircrafts, etc. forming various formations and patterns in the sky.
  • The release of tricolor balloons in the air by school children.
  • The cultural performances by artists from different regions and communities of India showcasing their folk dances, songs, music instruments, costumes, etc.
  • The distribution of sweets and refreshments to children and public.
  • The illumination of government buildings and monuments with tricolor lights in the evening.
  • The display of fireworks at various locations in different cities.

How can you participate in the Independence Day celebrations?

There are many ways you can participate in the Independence Day celebrations and express your love for your country. Some of them are:

  • Hoist or display the national flag at your home or workplace or on your vehicle. Make sure you follow the flag code of India while doing so.
  • Wear or use tricolor accessories such as badges, ribbons, wristbands, scarves, etc.
  • Sing or listen to patriotic songs such as “Vande Mataram”, “Saare Jahan Se Achha”, “Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon”, etc.
  • Watch or attend the live telecast or webcast of the Independence Day celebrations from the Red Fort or other venues.
  • Participate in various online or offline competitions, quizzes, debates, essay writing, painting, etc. organized by various government or private organizations on the theme of Independence Day or “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”.
  • Visit or explore various historical places, monuments, museums, galleries, etc. that are related to the freedom struggle or the post-independence development of India.
  • Read or watch biographies, documentaries, books, movies, etc. on the lives and works of the freedom fighters and leaders of India.
  • Donate or volunteer for various social causes or organizations that work for the welfare and empowerment of the underprivileged sections of the society.
  • Plant a sapling or adopt a green habit to contribute to the environmental conservation and protection of India.
  • Share your thoughts, feelings, experiences, memories, photos, videos, etc. related to Independence Day or “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” on social media platforms using hashtags such as #IndiaAt75, #AmritMahotsav, #NationFirstAlwaysFirst, etc.


Independence Day is a proud and joyous occasion for every Indian. It is a day to remember and salute the heroes who fought for our freedom and gave us a nation of our own. It is also a day to celebrate and appreciate the achievements and potential of our country and its people. It is a day to reaffirm our commitment and resolve to work for the progress and prosperity of our nation and its citizens. It is a day to cherish and uphold the values and ideals of our constitution and democracy. It is a day to say with pride and gratitude: Jai Hind!
