No matter what kind of specialization you had in your graduation, it is almost a trusted way to boost the career by opting for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Back in the past, the choices of MBA specializations were pretty much limited, and most students wouldn’t think much beyond marketing, finance and human resource. While those branches may still be relevant, the new age MBA specializations offer much more expertise and technical definition to both working professionals and fresh graduates. Here is a close take at the most unique MBA branches that can be immensely rewarding.

Healthcare management

If you are a healthcare professional, doctor, entrepreneur enthusiast or nurse and want to start your own business in the industry, healthcare management is the branch you should be opting for. The branch basically blends the basics of healthcare industry with entrepreneurship to offer real and practical business skills. The course is one of its kind, and there are many universities, like GW Online, which offers online courses. Even if you don’t want to start a business right away, this course gives the edge to actually find lucrative career offers in healthcare industry.

Strategic management

The next branch that promises huge is strategic management. After completing a degree in this field, you will be working for companies in their most crucial depart – formulation of goals and strategizing initiatives. Undoubtedly, this is one of the few MBA branches that finds immense demand from most industries, and the roles you can play can be varied, as well. Corporate strategy is a growing specialization, and if you are not keen on finance and other conventional choices, this can be the ultimate option for an edgy career. Villanova University offers a good course among other options.

Health informatics

Technically, when you complete a master’s degree in this field, it won’t be an MBA. However, the branch uses IT, informatics, management science, and social science and aims to bring reforms in the healthcare industry. If you are in the healthcare sector already, you can consider this as a great choice for your career, given that this is an evolving branch, which has immense potential. There are some known courses and institutions, like Adelphi’s masters in health informatics, which offers the best of the current trends in the learning program.

Media management

This is one branch of MBA that has been around for quite some time, but found its ground in recent times amidst social media hype. With most business focusing on managing media and its presence on multiple channels, media management can prove to be a worthy career for those looking for something challenge and different. The program offers the basics of management, with special focus on media. It is possible to find universities that offer online degrees, which is a great idea, given that you can find plenty of flexibility in your working schedules.

Make sure to check the course contents of each of the branches, with regards to the concerned university, so that you can have better and detailed idea of the program.

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